Sunday, August 30, 2020

Bloody Kansas? Weimar Germany? Portland Oregon?

How truly dumb must Dems think is the undecided voter?

Thursday night a band of violent BLM/Antifa terrorists attacked people leaving the White House.  The group attacked included United States Senator Rand Paul, already a survivor of a injury caused in a violent left wing battery.

Saturday night, BLM terrorists executed a Trump "Patriot Prayer" supporter.  Simple execution.  BLM announced the execution:  

Everybody, I just got the word.  The person who died was a "Patriot Prayer" person, the Black Lives Matter leader tells the crowd.  "He was a fucking Nazi.  Our community held its own and took out the trash. I'm not  going to shed any tears over a Nazi dying!"

 Today, a sniper opened fire on a Trump caravan.  It appears the police have the snipers, possibly three of the them, cornered in an apartment complex.

But the day's amazement came from watching Dems' agit prop machine blame Trump for Dem terror groups  murdering, battering and terrorizing Trump supporters, cabinet members, elected Republicans and public officials and Republicans in general.  Only the Dem base, and all the dead that will rise and vote Democrat by mail, would believe something that truly truly clownishly stupid.

Massive Covid Breaking-Only 6%...

Huge News, totally missed by the media until today, was snuck into a tiny little part of CDC's August 26 release.

Table 3 is the big kicker. In CDC's own words

Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and by age groups.  

The average is 2.6 comortalities.  This means the actual number of COVID deaths is not 185,537 but more like 11,132!   Ball park accurate and there are going to be a lot of openings in the  public heath industry.  Even more startling, the deaths are primarily, like 80%, in nursing homes among the very elderly.   

The August 26 release reclassifying mortality comes on the heels of the  August 24 CDC disclosures (1) Up to 90% of C+ tests had such insignificant levels of the COVID virus to be considered positive; and (2) a symptomatics no longer need to be tested if they had close contact with a C+, hence negating the concept of a symptomatic transmission. 

In short, the "Day After Tomorrow" existential health threat, with its predictions like tens of millions of cases, millions of deaths and the entire health system collapsed around the "Covid" pandemic has never been close to true.  The health officials wildly overstated the risk.  Maybe in good faith, maybe not. Either way, the overstatements were made and people suffered.  In blue states and parts of red states they suffer still.

The Dems have run with this scenario to justify defying the Bill of Rights and destroying commerce.  How partisan, vicious and very short sighted that decision will turn out.  

A reckoning from the public health community and the Dem leadership in these shut down blue states is immediately due.  The world does not need to cringe in fear when its heard someone has Covid, cuz its like someone getting the flu. No longer a headline or the need to quarantine entire cities with every positive diagnosis. Maybe ordering communities and businesses closed every time a new case is discovered is in our rear view mirror.

Maybe institutions that have wagered on fear, like the Big Ten, are going to snap back into reality.  Not likely but anger at the shut down is going to be near explosive levels and I do not think POTUS will be the guy blamed.

POTUS, go the blue states and demand the shut downs end.  Share this data with the world.  Senator Ernst, David Young you two need to be on the offensive here.  Have purpose, make the smart argument and you will prevail.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Clarity on Kyle Rittenhouse Great Explanation of the Legal Issues

This is a very clear, rational and fair discussion of the Kyle Rittenhouse situation.  Everyone would be well served by listening.  There are things that people should ponder as we go down this road into Bloody Kansas.

Weekly Covid Update: Questions for the Sheeple and their Herdsmen.

As the Covid picture continues its almost daily improvement, the cynical Democrat politics become increasingly obvious. Dems are counting POTUS will bear the blame for every injury with which Dems continue to oppress and impoverish  their states' residents.  Every day the data exposes the Dems and the real numbers make the Dems look silly and the mask crowd paranoid. 

The mortality rate has steadily declined nearly every day since May, while the recovery rate improves every day.  (Chart)   New hospitalizations have declined and remained low. 

As of today, the total cases in 8 months are 6,008,588.  Total recovered are 3,164,376.  The percentage of recovered is up to 52.66%.  The percentage of total C+ population sits at .861% nationally.  That makes the average person's risk of even coming in any contact with a C+ unlikely. 

Far from swamping the health care system, as the Dem hysterics shrieked in March reality has required fewer than 400,000 staffed beds. Throughout the entire history of Covid, from first patient admitted, through last released, not even half the hospital beds that existed before the outbreak have been occupied.  Collapse of the health care system was just another Dem lie to scare people.

The positive testing rate has remained stabilized at 5.5-5.8% since mid May, 10 weeks ago.  Every new person means another case, but every cured person means a case resolved.  While every new case is a headline of despair-and a foreshadowing of doom, there is no evidence of either a second wave or of a growing infected population. 

Best weekly news was the August 24 CDC recognition that a symptomatic persons do not require testing, even if they were in close contact with a C+.  This largely eliminates the single most dangerous aspect of the contagion, transmission by unknown, seemingly healthy C+s.  That risk is now considered trivial-or the CDC would still want to test "everyone", right? 

So, what is the real end game for these totalitarians?  When does the shut down end and norms of commercial and social conduct resume?  What is your target?  How did you determine that target? 

Love to see someone press Dem for answers. 

Friday, August 28, 2020

Bulldog Football: OHS@Central-DeWitt Spoiler Alert L 7-14

As promised, we cover Bulldog Sports, not just the gnashing and biting kind.

Right now the only Bulldog Sport is Ottumwa Bulldog football.  Nothing better than hometown coverage.

Ottumwa High School right at this live feed.

Thursday, August 27, 2020


A murders B.
C has no personal relationship to B.
D has no personal relationship to A.

What gives C the right to: (1) murder D; (2) burn D's home or business; (3) beat D into unconsciousness?

Just curious if anyone can answer that question with anything that resembles any kind of logical thought.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Rising Star: Daniel Cameron

Have to say, never heard of this young man before last night.  Knocked it out of the park with undeniable truths and a zealous delivery.  While Daniel Cameron, already a brand tested political surname, might have been little known before last night you can see a bright future.

Seems convicted and solid in his believes but kinda' Dubya's boyish charm.

Do not take your eye off this this young AG-he will be heard from again, soon.  

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Yes, Pelosi really said it: Trump & GOP enemies of the state

In a stunning moment of clarity the dangerously evil Nancy Pelosi has certainly now left nothing about the Democrat totalitarian agenda to imagination.  Pelosi has now officially labeled the President and his supporters, you know the 62 million Americans that voted for POTUS, as "enemies of the state".

Enemies of the state is entirely a politically weaponized term employed to justify political repression of political opponents, individually and collectively.  This is the literal language of Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mau, Pol Pot and Saddam.  Now, we're not enemies of the state because we are rioting, burning public and private property and historical sites and churches, looting minority businesses, murdering and extorting political opponents, like say Pelosi's terror arms Antifa and BLM.  No, we are enemies of the state because Trump and his Republican supporters are roadblocks to Democrat plans for a klepto communist total state in the United States.  So remember, if you are voting for Cindy Axne you are really getting this monstrosity.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

POTUS unveils coronavirus therapeutic 'breakthrough'

Great news on the Covid front.  POTUS unveils approval of a blood plasma based treatment for Covid. 

You can tell this therapeutic development is promising for the country by the extent to which the Dem's demented press operation has its unscientific agit prop at 11.  Instead of celebrating discovery of an effective therapy, the  Democrat propaganda machine's primary coverage is political. Expediting approval of a Covid cure is shown as a desperate Hail Mary throw to the end zone by a dying candidate.

The Dem's only apparent "scientific" argument is a mere implication blood plasma therapy appeared out of thin air, instead of actually having a 20,000 patient study and total use on 70,000 patients in the US. Democrats already showed they want the body count growing in their brief and stupid war on hydroxychloroquine, at least until Election Day, and they are willing to say or do anything to make it so.  Dems see the people they kill by shut downs and obstructing therapies, treatments and cures as martyrs to the cause of International Socialism.  No other mentality could produce the outrage Dems express about something that has actually worked and saved lives in thousands of cases. 

Covid's impact on the country makes it imperative to  discover and market therapies, treatments and vaccines sooner rather than later.  The Dems claim this Covid emergency is so dire they can suspend the 1st and 4th Amendments in Blue states, but implementing therapies and treatments can proceed at the FDA's normal glacial pace.  PreCovid, the Trump regulatory reforms first slowed the rate at which pharma prices rose then produced an actual reduction in pharma costs.  There is no one in the country that will accelerate successful remedies like Trump.  No one. 

The Economy Is Charging Back-Don't Let The Dems Lie

Trump's economy is indeed remarkable.  After the Covid shutdown, and the Com/Dems doing their best to destroy the economy and public morale heading into the election, the economy just keeps getting stronger.

For the "investor class", which includes something like 55% of all American adults the market recovery is vital. Friday's close at 27,930 is 36% higher than on Election Day, 2016.  Retirement income relies on the equity markets and they are again heading toward historic records in the post Covid economy.

Unemployment is rapidly falling.  Since the shutdown created mass unemployment the next four months has seen rapid job growth and a 4.5% reduction in unemployment.

After the Covid crater in March and April, consumer spending-the backbone of the American consumption driven economy, bounced back 13.8% in May and June.  The increase in consumer spending has reduced inventories for the last three months-a sure sign of economic recovery.  Demand is now steadily ahead of supply so more manufacturing jobs will reopen to meet the demand (yes, Comrade, it always works that way).

This high speed recovery, happening with governors in 20 states trying to kill their state economies, in the same way they were willing to kill their citizens during the initial Covid outbreak, is readily explained by the pre-Covid economic fundamentals. 

The last President that realigned economic fundamentals was Ronald Reagan.  For 28 years President Reagan's successors infused the economy with more risk, greater dependence on low income foreign labor and manufacturing and progressively less stable banking.  The Obama years saw the pursuit of a welfare based economic model, which explains how a guy that inherited a recession, after 8 years, had more business closures than openings, a shrunken labor market with record lows of labor market participation (people in or looking for jobs)  and the highest level of public assistance since, well since the Roman Empire payed citizens to stay home and not work.  

Trump changed how the economy operates, moving economic focus from Wall Street to Main Street.  That, and that alone, explains the rapid recovery from the Covid Crash.  More American workers working in more American businesses, making more American products so that American money stays home creates more American wealth and distributes it more widely than any other economic model.  You are living through that transformation right now.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

O town Bulldogs Get Back to Football

Great news from my hometown newspaper.  The Bulldogs are practicing for an August 28 kickoff.  The southern Iowa bulldog is a tenacious and fearless animal.

Covid in Iowa or The Mouse that Roared

Do not remain silent whenever you hear the "shut down snowflakes" whimpering about closing schools, barbers,    restaurants, and all the many things that terrify the snow flakes.  Speak out, loudlyThe actual facts show Covid 19 has gone from a statistically low risk to a trivial and certainly tolerable statistical risk in Iowa (and almost everywhere else in the US).

The population of Iowa is 3.18 million people.  As of August 22 there have been 55,496 confirmed cases in Iowa. After 8 months, that is a penetration rate of only 1.74%.  

Now, subtract the recovered cases, which is defined as absence of the virus.  Subtracting 43,362 from 55,496 leaves a difference of 12,134.

Only 12,134 Iowans have Covid 19,  .381% of the population. Beyond whatever the number of asymptomatic not yet tested those 12,134 are the only people in Iowa that are biologically capable of spreading Covid 19.

For practical risk assessment that 12,134 must subtract whatever number are currently hospitalized (a rolling average of around 300) or confined in nursing homes (#?). The 12,134 must be further reduced by whatever number are "sheltering in place" - a medical recommendation that every doctor makes to every  Covid positive patient.(#?)  

Once you look at the known numbers, what are the general odds of even encountering someone in Iowa with active Covid in a public place, other than a nursing home or healthcare facility?   

The risk of Covid in K-12 schools is lower yet.  The 0-17 demo in Iowa is 724,746 children.  Of that number 7%, or 3,884 total children have had Covid. That is a total infection rate of only .535%. Cannot find the exact numbers but Iowa's average recovery rate is 78% leaving only those not dead or recovered as uncertain outcomes.  Applying the general recovery rate to children at least 3,029 of the 0-17 demo have fully recovered, leaving only 885 children in Iowa with Covid, .122% of the demo.  Assuming most parents will provide appropriate care is it then not also true most of those 885 Covid children being kept home, also sheltering in place?  If so, they pose a nearly zero risk to anyone outside their home.

Of course, being merely around a Covid positive is insufficient to contract the virus.  The rate of spread is nothing like the "scientists" predicted, its obviously much much slower. Covid has been present for at least 240 days (assuming it first arrived in January, 2020). The incubation period is 2-14 days. Assuming the longer 14 day incubation period sufficient time has passed for 17 generations of viral reproduction and spread.  The R/naught rate is even slower among the K-12 demo, who demonstrate a greater resistance than adults and much greater than the 60+ demo.  

Nothing in the real numbers justifies depriving Iowans of essential public  services, and schools are at the top of that list.  Education and commerce did not halt during any previous epidemic.  The world cannot stop because a small part of the population might get sick.  A zero risk environment will never exist. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Business As Usual: Democrat Voter Fraud

The Com/Dem's have used massive voter fraud to win close elections, for decades.  Their media wing conceals this obvious fact behind the low numbers of voter fraud prosecutions.  The prosecutions are, of course, a misleading statistic to be sure. 

Remember what the famous playwright David Mamet said of his move from the haute culture of lower Manhattan's communism to traditional Americanism:  In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments modern liberals have to pretend not to know things… The Com/Dems rely on their massive propaganda and indoctrination operations to ignore adverse facts that cannot be explained.  If the facts are too obvious and damaging, the same operations rely on deceptive agit prop and indoctrination to produce the 2+2=5 belief (not entirely sarcasm, much of new "woke" math actually disregards mathematic certainty).

A few examples, over different times and different states/districts prove the fraud.  In 2008 Al Franken won his election in a recount.  Election night ended with a Norm Coleman win.  Then, before the recount, Coleman began losing votes.  Franken's recount numbers were facially preposterous.  Franken gained recount votes at  a rate two and half times the Obama gain; and Obama won a landslide 11.5% victory in Minnesota.  Franken won some precincts with 100% of the vote, other precincts with more votes than voters in the precinct.  Franken gained more votes in the recount than every other Democrat state wide and Congressional candidate collectively.

The Washington 2004 gubernatorial race is just another example of the fraudulent game plan.  Republican Dino Rossi led by 261 votes election night and 42 votes after the first recount.  Then, the Democrats in King County (Seattle) "found" 174 "misplaced" ballots.  Oddly, all of the ballots had signature irregularities, and none had names beginning with A, B or C.  The Democrat election officials in King County  continued to find ballots, ultimately "finding" 732 ballots.  Unsurprisingly given their fabricated provenance, the "found" ballots were,  58.8% Democrat, slightly ahead of the Democrat total results for King County. Just enough to win.  Like Joe Kennedy said of stealing the 1960 election, "I paid for a win, not a landslide."

The fraud has Presidential implications.  Everyone remembers the 2000 Florida election.  Democrats were still "finding" votes five weeks after the election. It took two orders from the United States Supreme Court to finally stop the Democrat discovery of new votes in two of the most corrupt counties in the United States, Miami Dade and Broward. Democrats found votes every day in the 43 days after the election.

Which brings us to 2016.  Hillary and her dark allies actually cheated so well they were hoisted on a petard of their own dishonesty.  Hillary lost Michigan by 10,704 votes.  Of course Hillary assumed her dark magic could conjure a mere 11,000 votes in a recount.  In a spectacular display of election fraud, Hillary's overwhelming margins in Detroit and Wayne County were bolstered by Democrat overvotes in 261 Wayne County precincts alone. That left Hillary solidly in second place because all of her overvoted precincts (hundreds state wide) would have been excluded from a state wide recount!

Now, four years later the Com/Dems are engaged in outright insurrection like their 1860 forebearers.  The 2020 plan is a coordinated national surge of election fraud through a vote by mail scheme. Cloaking as a flasher's overcoat.

Monday, August 17, 2020

POTUS: Major pardon coming tomorrow

MAGA tease.  POTUS will issue a major pardon tomorrow.  It will not be Mike Flynn or Edward Snowden.

Smart money says Julian Assange.  Assange is a potential game winner if he can link Clinton, that pervy John Podesta and the DNC to Rich murder.  

Democrats Pursue Another Housing Crises

Every adult reading this remembers the 2007-2010 recession, a recession that never really ended during the dark and soulless Obama years.  Proving that communism is the objective and mindless adherence to communist principles the means, the 2020 Democrat platform includes this gem:
There was one simple cause of the housing crises, the government incentivized lenders to loan money to people that could not repay it.  This unrealistic model was birthed in a point of light under Bush I, greatly expanded during the Clinton years and further expanded during the Bush II years.  Much of the cause accelerated with the Clinton/Bush II "subprime" mortgage market.
In its simplest terms, a subprime mortgage is a loan from a bank to a customer who pays less for the money borrowed than the bank pays to the Federal Reserve system for the same money.  It is a guaranteed loss for the bank that lent the money, or the eventual holder of the loans.  While the original lender can make money from the sale of the loans, and trillions of dollars were made through that ponzi scheme, eventually a bank has to earn enough from the loan to pay for the loan and a little more to make a profit.
The resale market could not endure forever.  Eventually a few large banks, holding the mortgage loans, were unable to float a profit by selling the loans.  So, those few large banks had to pursue profit from collecting the loans.  
The fixed rate loans could not be salvaged.  The holders held nothing more valuable than a bag of sand with a large hole in the bottom.  The variable rate mortgages, procured at almost zero rates had only one direction to go; up-straight up.  The people who had the rapidly rising interest rates were flooded by house payments that they could not afford.  The default rates sky rocketed in 2008.
Default and foreclosure rates never returned to pre-crises levels during the entire Obama/Biden tenure.  Now, only four years after the stumbling economy of the Obama/Biden years, bumbling Joe Biden and the communists he leads want to start the disaster all over again.


 Coming up live any minute

POTUS in Mankato

 POTUS hitting it out of the park in Mankato Minnesota!