Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Secret Police, The Spys and The Big Ugly

Sometimes I just do not win the golden fiddle.

Treehouse has provided an analysis of the Com/Dem political spying through the use of a literal secret police within main Justice and the FBI.  Best blog post-ever. 

This is a must read.  Heavily sourced by actual legal documents and extremely well reasoned.  

The Com/Dems cannot defend their criminal operations and resort only to grade school snark and the usual Orange Man Bad personal attacks when you can get them to talk about the attempts to rig the Presidential election; and failing in that effort, to overthrow the elected government.

At the time of his appointment I said Robert Mueller was an arch criminal who would disgrace the FBI and DOJ.  That was merely based on the several felonies he committed in the Whitey Bulger cover up. 

The indictments will drop in the next four weeks.  Mueller will probably not be indicted based on his age, connections and apparent diminution of mental function but he should be in the docket with all of the other criminals involved in the Obama Administration's energetic pursuit of post Constitutional objectives.

Only a massive Trump win will protect us from the Communist totalitarianism that the Democrats have embraced.  Only your vote can produce the necessary margin of error.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Democratic Party's Jerry Nadler: The Antifa riots are a MYTH

This is a classic example of the kind of breathtaking lies the Communist/Democrats tell with impunity.  No part of their propaganda wing dispute the troll Nadler's preposterous falsehood; none. The Communist/Democrat propaganda wing, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, NY Times, WaPo, etc... support the fable by blacking out coverage of the scope, duration and violence of the riots sweeping the country.

The rioters are not "peaceful protesters".  They are armed, dangerous and extremely violent Com/Dem revolutionary terror militias like BLM and Antifa, as voluminous video evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates.  However, the concept of "the BIG LIE" is an essential element of revolutionary strategy.  Revolutionaries from Robespierre to Lenin, Hitler and Mao sow confusion and blur reality by pervasive and constant deception.  Tens, possibly hundreds of thousands of people have actually witnessed the violence of the riots.  Millions have seen the violence on internet video.  No matter, the Revolution insists the violence is a myth, told only in Washington D.C. 

In the world of agitprop, however, the mere assertion that protesters are peaceful and leftist violence non-existent  is sufficient.  Their motto is simple: believe what the Revolution tells you and not your own lying eyes.  The sheep that follow their thought leaders will bray in agreement.  They will viciously and personally attack anyone that directs attention to the incontrovertible contrary reality and the mountains of evidence that supports that contrary reality.

When the "no violence/peaceful protester" fable is no longer tenable the Communist/Democrats will retreat to another fantastic untruth.  The Revolution has already begun spreading an equally ridiculous reserve lie; the violent protesters are really dangerous violent Republicans.  

Communist/Democrat mendacity has no limits.  Your choice is to ignore the falsehoods and remain silent when your hear them; or, you can confront the decepticons whenever and wherever you find them.  The Revolution is counting on your good manners.  The time for politesse has passed.  If you do not confront the lies then lies become reality and the Communist/Democrats, like all revolutionaries throughout history are relying on that historical axiom.

Bite your lip no longer.  Give voice to the truth.  In person, on Facebook, Twitter and any other social media in which the fabrications are given voice.  It will take special bravery from our youth because classrooms from kindergarten to graduate schools is the birthing ground for the Revolutions demented alternate reality.  Students are in an oppressive and authoritarian environment.  The students cannot argue without fear of repercussion, and parents cannot resist for fear of retaliation.  Be brave and argue them down where you find them.  If that battleground is a school remember the First Amendment prohibits view point discrimination.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

A Small But Real Victory (Over the PC Thought Police)

In an entirely timely move Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walgreens, CVS and others say they still won’t prohibit customers who refuse to wear a mask from shopping in stores. The issue, they say, is they want to avoid confrontations between angry customers and employees.  

The timeliness is personal.  Just today I was forced to wear a mask in Home Depot.  Of course I complained, to three different managers.  Upon leaving I did something extraordinary for me; I threw the paper mask on the ground (Typically I really work hard at not littering).  A Home Depot employee approached me and said, in a snotty voice, "I think you dropped something".  The employee had seen me throw the mask on the ground.  My reply was direct and pointed.  " I do not believe I dropped anything".   

Only hours later I read the above link and felt victory.  Not just victory for me, but victory for every American that seeks freedom from Communist/Democrat oppression. Freedom for everyone that resists the Communist/Democrats use of Chinese Covid as a pretext for coercing individual and business acceptance of irrational beliefs and behavior. 

The mask policy is ludicrous.  The big retailers learned their fear of  Communist/Democrat media disapproval was exaggerated while totally underestimating customer anger generated by the  stupid mask requirement.  Totally. 

Right now there are 4,250,380 reported Covid cases.  We know that number is exaggerated based on the numerous reports of erroneous overcounting.  To be fair, that number is also somewhat understated because there are a significant, but unknown, number of a symptomatic persons who have not been tested.  But we can only work with the numbers we have.  

The population of the United States on July 25 was 334,094,934.  The simple math shows only a 1.28% infection rate now, over six months after case 1.  Confirmed recovery cases number 1,277,437. That means there are only 2,972,943 active cases.  That number reduces the current universe of infected persons to only .889% of the total US population.  That means roughly 99% of the population cannot transmit Chinese Covid because they simply do not have the virus and hence cannot spread virons.  

Two obvious conclusions arise from those numbers.  First, Chinese Covid obviously does not spread as easily as the "scientists" have lead the public to believe.  Second, the probability of any one customer encountering an infected person in a retail store is extremely small.  There are no reliable numbers on this but it would seem most infected persons are at least remaining home observing practical or mandated quarantine requirements.  Hence the probability of encountering a person with Chinese Covid in a retail store is less than .889%, by whatever part of the .889% not going into retail stores.  

That risk is further reduced because the other 99 uninfected people would have to be in sufficiently close proximity to the one infected person to receive a dose of the infected person's saliva, pick up Chinese Covid through perspiration or touch something that has surviving Chinese Covid virons. Every major merchant I've seen is washing their product, shelves and other surfaces with disinfectant and doing so often; and good for them for doing so.   This disinfectant campaign further reduces the risk of getting Chinese Covid from touching something on which Chinese Covid virons have survived both the passage of time and the virus killing disinfectant.  

That risk is further reduced by social distancing.  It is anecdotal but it appears to me that most people, myself included, are standing at least four feet and usually more like six, away from other people when in public.  People seem to rarely be in sufficiently close contact to catch Chinese Covid from normal breathing, coughing or touching. 

The Communist/Democrats pushing this nonsense ignore the obvious fact that most people will take reasonable action to protect themselves from infection.  The masks are all about coercion, by either the thought police and extortionists in the Communist/Democrat agitation units or through actual force of law everywhere the Communist/Democrats govern, or perhaps misgovern is more accurate.  The Communist/Democrats do not really care about the masks; they want to habituate the public to mindless obedience.  

Today those forces of tyranny suffered a defeat.  Mandatory masks in all public places are a significant battlefield in the ongoing cultural civil war.  As the Treehouse says, information without action is antithetical to its purpose.  Please make this risk assessment known to people in government where government forces the masks.  Take the information to the retail sellers that have been intimidated into the politically correct but utterly ridiculous mandatory mask policy.  Be the change you seek.