Friday, September 25, 2020

COVID: The Mask Sheeple


Today, I saw four people driving alone in cars wearing masks.  That demonstrates a level of hysterical paranoia of an almost pathological degree.

Also, today, the CDC issued another weekly report on the national status of Covid.  While the Democrat propaganda operation has people so frightened they're wearing masks alone in cars the facts say something else.

The percent of positive tests has fallen to 4.8%, .3 of that decline happened in the last week alone.  The trend line is down; declining every week since mid July.  This stat is a major leading indicator. Other indications show a slowly spreading disease slowing its already slow rate of transmission: 

  • Hospital and emergency services for Covid has fallen for 23 consecutive weeks.
  • Hospitalizations have fallen to .1748%, a total of fewer than 4000 people.
  • CDC  tracking shows outpatient medical treatment ranges from .6% to 1.4% across the ten national regions. 
  • CDC tracking shows mortality from influenza, pneumonia and Covid have fallen sharply to only 6.6%-a 30% decline since the last reporting period and far below baseline.

The bigger picture is even brighter.  The complete recovery rate is growing faster than new cases, and is now up to 53.75%.  There are only 3,286,551 C+ today.  That represents only .99% of the population, nine months in.  As many as 90% of C+ might be entirely a symptomatic and incapable of transmitting the disease.  As reported today, at worst, 98.6% of C+ results present for outpatient or clinical treatment.  That means they're not very sick or not sick at all.

Notwithstanding all the science pointing toward a disease that is usually a symptomatic or so mild as to require no medical care, much less transmittable and far less deadly than the Democrat propaganda ops predicted and continue to insist remains true.  Do not forget the catastrophe of cases numbered in tens of millions-overwhelming the hospital system and millions dead, dying faster than the dead could be buried narrative that mask shaming Democrats were screeching last spring.  As the science proves the risk increasingly exaggerated Democrats and their prop ops become more shrill and climb ever higher onto the pulpit of absolute moral authority.

So be afraid, but not of Covid.  Be afraid of the people that inflicted economic devastation and all that comes with it to frighten the country into a false crises.  Then, ask why increasing the hysteria when the data proves the opposite of the Dem propaganda line.  They cannot credibly answer those questions. 

Or be a sheep and wear that mask when you're all alone.

Bulldog Football Live


Another Friday night at home.  Bulldogs everywhere can click and watch Bulldogs bite a chunk of Marshalltown hide. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

�� Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds a News Conference - 9/23/20

POTUS  takes on the media.  The day was busy in DC.  Hope to get the POTUS take on Slow Joe's Ukrainian corruption, a devastating issue for Slow Joe, and, to borrow a phrase, sonofabitch, Joe won't discuss.  Also the phony claims about the police shooting in Louisville.

As Hanniity says, buckle up. 

Sunday, September 20, 2020


Nothing in the upcoming nomination and confirmation of a new Supreme Court Justice deviates from the form, function and purposes of American representative democracy.  Democrat threats, schemes to overthrow the existing judicial structure by packing the Supreme Court and mob violence notwithstanding, the Constitution does not limit Presidential authority to nominate Justices for open Supreme Court seats in election years.  Nor does the Constitution limit the Senate's ability to give or withhold consent to such nominations in election years. 

American representative democracy is easy to understand and explicitly recited in the Constitution.  The "people" vote in organized elections and on a regular schedule.  The will of the people is expressed in the winners of those elections.  The Constitution vests persons elected to various offices with the Constitutional powers of the offices to which such persons are elected during the terms of such offices. The people then repeat the cycle of rejecting or ratifying what the elected officers did during the time the officers exercised Constitutional power.  

Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution provides for the election of a President and describes the manner of conducting such an election.  Donald Trump was elected President in conformity with the Constitution, and in the same manner as every President since 1876, the last time an election went to the House for resolution.  At the time of Justice Ginsburg's death Donald Trump remains President of the United States.

Article II, Section 2 provides the duly elected President with sole authority to nominate justices of the Supreme Court.  There is now a vacancy in the Supreme Court.  President  Trump has full Constitutional authority to appoint someone to fill that vacancy.  Nothing in the Constitution even implies Presidential authority expires one minute before expiration of a Presidential term.

Nor does anything in American history suggest judicial vacancies are not filled during presidential election years.  In 1956, President Eisenhower was running for reelection just like President Trump in 2020. Ike nominated William J. Brennan to fill the seat left open by Justice Sherman Minton's abrupt retirement, only six weeks before Election Day.  Brennan became Justice Brennan by way of confirmation on October 16, 1956-twenty days before Election Day.  President Eisenhower rolled to a landslide reelection.

Since the Brennan confirmation, Justices Powell, Rehnquist and Kennedy were all confirmed by the Senate in a presidential election year.  Both Justices Powell and Rehnquist were confirmed in 1972, Richard Nixon's reelection year, before the election.  The public liked the results because they reelected Nixon in a forty nine state landslide and did not switch the Senate.  

This brings us to the other half of our representative democracy, the Senate.  Since adoption of the 17th Amendment the people vote directly for Senators.  Article II, Section 2 appointments require the advice and consent of the United States Senate.  In 2014 the people voted for a Republican majority in the Senate.  The Republican campaign specifically included blocking then President Obama's judicial nominations.  Justice Scalia's surprise death and the Constitution provided then President Obama the opportunity to make a third nomination.  Merrick Garland was duly nominated by the then sitting President, Obama in a clear and lawful use of Article II, Section 2 Presidential powers.  

The Constitution does not mandate Senatorial confirmation of every or any Presidential nomination, however.  Quite the opposite, the nominee is rejected if the Senate does not affirmatively give consent.  In 2016, the duly elected Senate majority exercised its Constitutional authority and denied consent to the Garland nomination, as the Republican majority had promised they would do if given the majority.  Judicial nominations became a major issue for the people to decide in the 2016 Presidential and Senate elections.  The people could have responded to the Garland nomination by electing a Democrat president and/or by electing a Democrat Senate.  The people did neither.  The people elected a Republican President and a Republican Senate, indicating a preference for Republican judicial nominations. 

President Trump made many judicial nominations, including Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh (only a month before Election Day 2018) by the 2018 elections.  The people ratified the appointments and confirmations by expanding the GOP majority in the Senate.  Again, the preference for Republican judicial nominations was clearly expressed in the election results because that power stayed in GOP hands with an expanded Republican majority.  

Everything about the Garland nomination in 2016 and the nomination to be named later this week  has been done pursuant to the will of the people and in the due and lawful exercise of Constitutional authority by the President and the Senate.  The system has functioned exactly as it was designed to function and has functioned during many previous election year SCOTUS nominations.

All the Democrat rants merely further evidence their rejection of American Constitutional democracy.  Democrats no longer believe in a process in which they are denied electoral victories. The will of the people, expressed in real election results gave Republicans the power and duty to nominate a Justice and consent to the nomination.  

Front runners: Amy Coney Barret and Barbara Lagoa

It looks like two front runners are emerging to fill the open Supreme Court seat.

Everyone knows Amy Coney Barrett ("ACB").  Judge Coney Barrett is a strong favorite of social conservatives.  The nomination would certainly motivate Roe v. Wade voters.  A return of the "pussy hats" could provide a timely reminder of just how crazy Democrats have become.

Judge Barbara Lagoa is new name to many SCOTUS watchers.  Judge Lagoa has strong qualifications.  As noted in Politico, perhaps the strongest was a bipartisan confirmation less than a year ago.  There would be no reason to even waste time on another Democrat nomination freak show hearing.  Of Cuban ancestry, Judge Lagoa's nomination would help build POTUS's growing momentum with Hispanic voters. 

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Ted Cruz Gets It; GOP must think like counter revolutionaries


Senator Ted Cruz articulated the most important of the many reasons the GOP must confirm the next Supreme Court nominee, and must do  so almost immediately.  Democrats are no longer normal participants in a pluralistic  democratic political system; they have become utterly committed to communist revolution. Democrat thought leaders are calling for violence. Democrats are again  employing mob intimidation at Mitch McConnell's home. Senator Cruz's recognition of the historical moment bespeaks great historical insight on his part.

Senator Cruz's argument is predicated on the need for Republicans to operate as a counter revolutionary party.  Republicans, traditionalists and libertarians have no future in a Democrat America.  The suppression of dissenting thought and the termination of political pluralism are essential elements of the Democrat agenda.

Where does this radical Democrat change leave the GOP?  To counter a communist revolution, the current GOP must embrace the power the Constitution affords us without regard to the conventions of unity and comity.  Unity, comity and respect for tradition are not part of the revolutionary environment of our times.  Historical change demands the GOP use the political power we legally possess. If not, the GOP will become extinct with Darwinian certainty.

As Senator Cruz argues, the  Democrat electoral strategy involves litigating Democrats into absolute power.  Democrats have assembled an army, literally thousands of lawyers to litigate bizarre and frivolous legal theories.  Democrats plan to use courts to  bypass organized elections upon which democracy depends for survival.  Of course, Democrats have already shopped venues,  unsurprisingly in traditional blue states benched by ideologically partisan judges.  Remember the Florida Supreme Court in 2000?  The Democrat 2020 strategy is 2000 Florida for the entire country.  Since Democrats have chosen a strategy of litigating in lieu of electing, Republicans have an absolute moral duty to counter the revolution by embracing and deploying the powers the people's vote and the Constitution have given us.   

The President will nominate a solidly conservative jurist.  The GOP controls the Senate.  We have the authority and power to quickly confirm the President's nominee.  We now know at least one Senator gets this dynamic and the historical imperative confronting the GOP Senate.  Let's hope 49 more Senators share Senator Cruz's clarity.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Civil War. Yeah, man, they really are threatening civil war.

That picture is the slaughter of Antietam at an atomic level.  It is also the future Slow Joe and the demented, demonic and delusional movement he figureheads are planning should they not successfully fraud their way to electoral victory.  

The Atlantic, a well known if little respected news magazine is overtly saying the best way to prevent civil war is vote Slow Joe because, … because ... because if you don't his supporters will start a civil war and, presumably, kill you.  

This is not the trivial musings of an eccentric provocateur, it the acknowledgement of a state of affairs obvious to all but the most willingly blind; the Democrats are already in a state of insurrection and revolution.  Democrat terror forces are waging armed violent attacks on political opponents and symbols of civilization.   Indeed, the increasing calls for Slow Joe to reject the results if he loses is perhaps the surest evidence the Democrats know they are about to get their asses handed to them in a hard way.   

Paragraphs could be spent ridiculing the ass hats at the Atlantic, as they accept the Dan Rather Award for Inventive Fiction, but really, does one need do more than point to a threat of civil war to establish the "fundamental change" the Dems have planned?  Republicans better understand we are now a counter revolutionary movement that should learn not to sell the communists the ropes with which they hang us.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Dem Hate Group's Doin' What They Do: HATE

A charming BLM speaker outside the LA hospital where the LA County deputies are recovering from the Dem BLM assassination attempt.  Be sure to use your audio speakers.

POTUS Live in Vegas

Courtesy of the hardest working people in media, the young people at Right Side Broadcasting.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Unpatriotic Education: The University Surveillance State

Like the Bolshevik Communists the youth in America are today raised in world without dissenting thought.  American academia provides little more than mindless cognitive indoctrination.  This piece from Red State provides a perfect glimpse into Joe Biden's America.

How could the extent to which an utterly totalitarian ideology has gripped the institutions of thought be more starkly expressed than the American Civil Liberties Union targeting a specific college student because his speech dissents from the new thought masters? Mere disagreement is elevated to hate speech by the Dem's claim of absolute moral authority.  The Dems justify oppressing the dissenters by virtue, literally, of that absolute moral authority.  It is far more than irony, the Dem communist revolution is long past irony.  It is simple Orwellian double speak.  Read Orwell.  Read Rand.  

The example of this demented episode bespeaks yet another example of Joe Biden's America.  Biden labels dissenters the dregs of society.  Pelosi calls us enemies of the state.  Now, the ACLU calls our speech "dangerous".  This is the  language of absolutism by which the "enemies of the state" are dehumanized and besieged by is no different than the historical model of creating absolutism from mob chaos.  So, if it walks like a communist, and it talks like a communist, Occam's razor says its probably a communist. 

More troubling yet, an institution of higher education, holding itself out as a place of free thought promises to provide careful and unique scrutiny for the young man, whose thoughts are deemed "dangerous."  This problem will not fix itself.  

Why should Transylvania University, receive federal funds when it so obviously rejects the 1st and 4th Amendment guarantees of free speech and privacy?  Let's defund the recipients of federal educational funds that violate their students' civil rights.   

Friday, September 4, 2020


 As predicted in April, the United States V recovery is confirmed and continues.  The economy recovered another 1.4 million jobs in August, and the unemployment rate fell to 8.4%.  The Trump economic model has generated 10,611,000 new/recovered jobs since May.

The graph shows an inverted V on employment.  At the current rate the US will return to full employment before the end of the year.