Sunday, August 23, 2020

POTUS unveils coronavirus therapeutic 'breakthrough'

Great news on the Covid front.  POTUS unveils approval of a blood plasma based treatment for Covid. 

You can tell this therapeutic development is promising for the country by the extent to which the Dem's demented press operation has its unscientific agit prop at 11.  Instead of celebrating discovery of an effective therapy, the  Democrat propaganda machine's primary coverage is political. Expediting approval of a Covid cure is shown as a desperate Hail Mary throw to the end zone by a dying candidate.

The Dem's only apparent "scientific" argument is a mere implication blood plasma therapy appeared out of thin air, instead of actually having a 20,000 patient study and total use on 70,000 patients in the US. Democrats already showed they want the body count growing in their brief and stupid war on hydroxychloroquine, at least until Election Day, and they are willing to say or do anything to make it so.  Dems see the people they kill by shut downs and obstructing therapies, treatments and cures as martyrs to the cause of International Socialism.  No other mentality could produce the outrage Dems express about something that has actually worked and saved lives in thousands of cases. 

Covid's impact on the country makes it imperative to  discover and market therapies, treatments and vaccines sooner rather than later.  The Dems claim this Covid emergency is so dire they can suspend the 1st and 4th Amendments in Blue states, but implementing therapies and treatments can proceed at the FDA's normal glacial pace.  PreCovid, the Trump regulatory reforms first slowed the rate at which pharma prices rose then produced an actual reduction in pharma costs.  There is no one in the country that will accelerate successful remedies like Trump.  No one. 

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